The Joy of Sponsorship

We sometimes wonder what to think about our world today, and what role The GOD’S CHILD Project charitable network plays in it.
One look at the alarming headlines and a person is tempted to fear the world is falling apart. That, for us, is a challenge to work longer, try harder, and accomplish more.
But we can only do this work with you!
You are the heart and the soul of The GOD’S CHILD Project. We work for you, because without you, we can’t do a thing.
With you, though, we are changing, protecting, and saving lives.
Our commitment to being the best financial stewards we can makes it possible for The GOD’S CHILD Project to rank high among charity watch groups for achieving incredible results with proven efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability.
Please join us. We urgently need sponsors for the children, baby-patient cribs, home builds, and specialized team members. And we need them now.
With you, we can and will save lives!