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Diego Carmona

Gender Male
Birth Date October 18, 2012
Age 11 years old
Grade Fourth Grade
Country Guatemala


Diego lives in San Antonio Aguas Calientes with his mother, stepfather, brother and sister. Their house is rented and is made of sheet metal with a dirt floor. Diego and his twin brother share a room while his parents and baby sister share another. The family has received a bed and stove from the Project. Diego’s stepfather is a carpenter and earns Q2400 ($320) a month. This year, Diego is in fourth grade. Diego’s favourite colour is blue and his favourite food is beetroot salad. His favourite animals are panthers. In his free time he likes to play football. When he is older, Diego would like to be a police officer. His favourite subject in school is maths and his goal for this year is to get better at football. If he could have any superpower, Diego would have spider powers. If he had $1 million, Diego would buy land and build a house as well as buy shoes and clothes.
