GCP Store

Jose Toloc

Gender Male
Birth Date October 12, 2017
Age 7 years old
Grade Kindergarten
Country Guatemala


Jose lives in San Anton, Antigua, with his mother, father, brother and two sisters. They rent a single room made of cement blocks and sheet metal and have no possessions other than three beds in bad condition. They only have electricity for four hours a day. Jose’s father works in Antigua market carrying things for people and earns around Q2000 ($267) a month. We are supporting the family to enroll Jose in school. This year he will be in preschool. Jose’s favourite colour is white and his favourite food is sausages. His favourite animals are rabbits. In his free time he likes to play with toy cars. When he is older, Jose would like to be a builder in the USA. He is excited to go to school for the first time this year and wants to learn to read and write. If he could have any superpower, Jose would have the powers of Superman and Spider-Man. If he had $1 million, Jose would buy a motorbike and food and clothes.
