GCP Store

Sponsor Jennifer

From: $0.00 / month

Gender Female
Birth Date January 2, 2004
Age 21 years old
Grade 6th Grade
School Scheel Center (Centro Scheel)
Country Guatemala


Jennifer was born on January 2, 2004, and she is 15 years old. She goes to school at the Scheel center, and is currently in 6th grade. Jennifer lives with her parents and one brother in a Casa Azul, a house built by a Service Team.  The family has very limited resources.  Her father works in agriculture but has been in an accident. Her mother cleans houses.  They receive additional support from the God´s Child Project.

Jennifer loves dancing, drawing, and listening to music. She likes the music of Espinoza Paz and bachata.  She likes rabbits and dogs and her favorite colors are purple and blue.  Her favorite classes are communications and math.  She would like to become a doctor someday.
