International Volunteer Application

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The God's Child Project - image of Woman with Avocado Tree

Sign up to Volunteer in Guatemala

Here is the application you should use if you are interested in volunteering at our networked program, Asociación Nuestros Ahijados, in Guatemala, Central America. If you only want more information, please complete our volunteer interest form.

To complete this application, please fill in the form below and hit SUBMIT at the end. This will automatically email us your application to be an individual, group, or ServiceTeam volunteer.

In addition to filling in the application, please submit the following items:

  • A photocopy of your passport
  • Payment of the Volunteer Registration Fee.  This covers administration costs, a background check that we run on all adults, and the first 14 days of our mandatory International Medical Insurance plan.

Please upload your passport copy to your volunteer application (below) or email them to If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or by calling (612) 351-8020. We look forward to having you with us. Thank you!

International Volunteer Application