Why Your Donations Matter

Your SUPPORT Matters

It is only by the generous support and donations from GCP donors and volunteers that we are able to serve thousands of participants both locally and in Guatemala, El Salvador, India, and Malawi. Without you, these children would be alone, on the streets, not receiving the education, healthcare or love they deserve. Many of these women would still be in abusive households, fearing for their lives. And many of these families would be begging for food, clothing and money, doing whatever necessary to survive.

When you donate to The GOD’S CHILD Project, you get:

  • The opportunity to directly provide for and sponsor a child. As a sponsor, you’ll get to connect with your child from across the world.
  • An opportunity to choose your generous gift from our wishlist.
  • Giving options, such as planned giving.
  • Assurance that your money is going where we say it is – right to the children and families in need, with our transparent pledge to be financially accountable.

Because of you, these people are alive and safe, and The GOD’S CHILD Project will continue to make that possible with your support.

Update your credit card information with GCP here: GCP Credit Card Authorization Form